How to become a board-certified pathologist

Follow these steps to earn your AP or CP certification with the American Board of Pathology.

To become certified with the American Board of Pathology (ABPath) you will need to complete the below steps.

  1. Submit an application to become board eligible. In your PATHway account, submit your application to take the primary examination.
  2. Upload a copy of your medical school diploma
  3. Upload your full and unrestricted medical license
  4. Have the most recent program director at your graduate pathology program fill out the online evaluation form attesting to your completion of training
  5. Receive board eligible status from the credentialing board of ABPath
  6. Register for the primary examination in your PATHway account and pay the fee
  7. Schedule your exam with Pearson VUE
  8. Pass your primary examination
  9. Receive your certificate in the mail from the ABP in 3-4 months
  10. Participate in the Continuing Certification program fulfilling all requirements by each deadline

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