Does CertLink count as CME?

By following these steps, you can earn CME credit for completing your CertLink requirements for the ABPath.

Your Continuing Certification program requirements from the American Board of Pathology (ABPath) include CertLink (ABPCL) and CME requirements. You can learn more about what CertLink here.

You might be wondering if your CertLink assessments can count as CME credit and the answer is yes.

You can claim up to 5 credits of CME per year for completing your CertLink questions every quarter (1.25 credits per quarter).

The year following your successful completion of your CertLink requirements you can claim 5 credits of CME during February to December here.

Successful completion of your CertLink requirements is defined as attempting all questions assigned for each quarter.

There is a $19 processing fee to claim your credits.

  1. Head to this link and add the product to your cart and check out.
  2. Login when prompted - your account will automatically update the number of credits in your account based on your participation the previous year.
  3. You may also choose to have your credits automatically appear in your ABPath PATHway account
  4. When logged in to, navigate to your Dashboard by clicking ‘Dashboard’ in the top menu of any page.
  5. Click the ‘Profile & Settings’ menu item.
  6. From the Profiles & Settings popup, click the ‘Privacy’ tab.
  7. Under ‘ABPath Preferences’, check the ‘Allow my transcript information to be sent to ACCME’ checkbox.
  8. Click ‘Save’.

Earning the rest of your CME for ABPath

Because you can only earn up to 5 credits of CME per year for completing CertLink, you will still need to earn another 60 CME credits every two years to fulfill the Continuing Certification program requirements, assuming you claim CME for CertLink every year.

There are many free and paid options to earn CME credits, but time and effort are important considerations. Of the various live and online options, only some options allow you to earn all of your CC required CME credits in one place. One online option you might want to consider is Orbit Pathology. It allows you to earn all of your ABpath-required credits by reading eligible journal abstracts and articles conveniently on your desktop, iPhone, or iPad, including major sites like PathologyOutlines.

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