ARDMS sonographer certificate CME requirements
Overall, you need only need to earn 30 ADRMS-accepted CME credits even if you hold multiple ARDMS certificates. Most ARDMS certifications require credits related to any ultrasound topic, except for RMSKS.
If you hold one or more ARDMS sonographer certifications, this article will help you understand your CME credit requirements.

Overall, you only need to earn 30 ADRMS-accepted CME credits even if you hold multiple ARDMS certificates. Most ARDMS certifications require credits related to any ultrasound topic. Only the RMSKS certificate requires that some of your credits relate to a specific ultrasound topic - musculoskeletal ultrasound.
You need to earn 30 ADRMS-accepted credits in any specialty area if you hold a Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer certificate.
You need to earn 30 ADRMS-accepted credits in any specialty area if you hold a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer certificate.
You need to earn 30 ADRMS-accepted credits in any specialty area if you hold a Vascular Technologist certificate.
If you hold any combination of RDMS, RDCS, RVT certificates you still only need to earn 30 ADRMS/APCA accepted credits in any specialty area.
If you hold a Musculoskeletal Sonographer certificate you need to earn a total of 30 credits with 10 credits in musculoskeletal ultrasound and the other 20 credits in any specialty area.
RMSKS + RDMS and/or RDCS and/or RVT
If you hold a Musculoskeletal Sonographer certificate in combination with RDCS, RDMS, or RVT you only need to earn the CME credits required for the RMSKS certificate: 30 credits with 10 credits being in musculoskeletal ultrasound and the other 20 credits in any specialty area.
Combination certificates with APCA certificates
If you hold a physician certificate with the APCA and a sonographer-level certificate with the ARDMS read on below to find out the CME requirements for your specific combination of certificates.
RPVI + RDMS and/or RDCS and/or RVT
If you hold a physician's vascular interpretation certification and one or more ARDMS certificates (RDMS, RDCS, RVT) you only need to earn 30 credits in vascular ultrasound.
RMSK + RDMS and/or RDCS and/or RVT
If you hold a physician's musculoskeletal sonography certification and one or more ARDMS certificates (RDMS, RDCS, RVT) you need to earn 10 credits in musculoskeletal ultrasound and 20 credits in any specialty area.
RPVI + RMSK + RDMS and/or RDCS and/or RVT
If you hold both a physician's musculoskeletal sonography certification and physician's vascular interpretation certification with any ARDMS certificates (RDMS, RDCS, RVT) you only need to earn the 60 CME credits for RPVI and RMSK with 30 credits in musculoskeletal ultrasound and the other 30 credits in vascular ultrasound.
If you're ready to finish your credits, check out the ARDMS-Orbit plans - they are affordable, streamlined, and designed specifically for ARDMS requirements.