Finish your APCA requirements now

Orbit at a discount

Why pay full price? Medical education is a business expense.

Pretax Dollars

Check with your accountant. Listing Orbit as a deductible business expense could save you 30% or more on your membership.


Educational Accounts

Don't spend money out of pocket. The educational account from your practice or hospital is designed to support your subscription to Orbit.

The easiest way to earn, track and submit CME

Orbit versus traditional ways to earn CME

APCA-Orbit Micro APCA-Orbit Basic APCA-Orbit Pro Society Conference Online Course
Total expenses $30per year $360per year $600per two years $3000 $600
Personal time lost none none none 40 hours 16 hours
Credits 2 every year 25 every year 50 every 2 yrs 20 16
Max credit speed unlimited unlimited unlimited n/a n/a
Accepted by APCA icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark variable variable
RPVI icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark variable variable
RMSK icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark variable variable
RDMS icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark variable variable
RDCS icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark variable variable
Other Specialty credits (Fluoro, Controlled Substances, Ethics, etc.) icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark variable variable
Boosts (purchase more credits on demand) icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_error icon_error
Integrated credit tracking icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_error icon_error
Instant audit reports icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_checkmark icon_error icon_error