California Fluoroscopy License: How to Submit for Renewal

You'll need to fill out your California fluoroscopy license renewal form every 2 years. Here's a step-by-step on exactly how to do that.

Instead of reading this post, you may prefer to watch a video with the same instructions. You may separately want to learn the exact CME requirements for your fluoroscopy license renewal.

To renew your fluoroscopy license, you'll prepare the three items on the left, and put them into the envelope on the right. This post will take you through every step of this process.

Where is my fluoroscopy license renewal form? The RHB (Radiologic Health Board) of California mails your fluoroscopy license renewal form to you 3 months before the expiration of your permit. If you have not received yours in the mail, email us at Check the physical mailing address you registered with the RHB - if you don't remember, this might be your business address or home address at the time of your last renewal. You should change your mailing address if you are planning on moving from your registered address in the next 2 years.

Follow these steps to complete your fluoroscopy license renewal form.

1 - Name, address, and phone number

Review the name, address, and phone number printed here. Check the yes box if all information is correct. If there is incorrect information, write in the correct information under the line labeled "Enter correct information below".

How do I change my name on the fluoroscopy license? To change your name, you must also include a copy of your government issued ID with the correct name shown and a copy of the certified superior court order allowing the name change in your envelope.

What address should I use on my fluoroscopy license renewal form? The address listed here is the address the RHB will send future renewal forms to, so ensure it is correct for future years. This address is also publicly available so if you do not wish for you home address to be public, use a business address or a P.O box.

2 - Email, social security number, and date of birth

The 3 lines labeled e-mail, social security number, and date of birth are completely optional. Feel free to leave them blank.

3 - Medical License

Here you need to indicate which type of license you have, your license number and its expiration date. You can quickly look up your medical license number if needed.

4 - Fluoroscopy CME requirement

In this box, you attest to having completed the required 10 credits in the application of x-ray to the human body, 4 of which relate to radiation safety in fluoroscopy. Make sure to check the box that says “I attest that four of the credits provided are in radiation safety for the clinical uses of fluoroscopy”. Use the lines below to document the CME activity you used. On the lines provided write the 10 credits you have earned listing the name of the activity you completed to earn the credits, the provider of the credits, the location which you earned them, the date you earned them, the organization that accepts your credits, and the number of credits earned. If you’re using Orbit CME, fill out your lines as shown in this screenshot.

5 - Sign & Date

Lastly, sign and date the renewal application sheet at the bottom and place it into your envelope.

6 - Detach Bottom of Renewal Notice

Detach the bottom portion of the renewal notice sheet, which was the first page in the envelope that contained your fluoroscopy license renewal form, sent to you by the RHB. Check the top right of it to see the total amount you owe to renew your license. Place this bottom portion into your envelope.

7 - Fill out your check

Fill out your check as shown here. Make the check payable to the CDPH-RHB. Enter the amount indicated on the renewal notice sheet. Place your check into the envelope.

8 - Ready to Mail

You are now ready to mail in your envelope to renew your fluoroscopy license.

Address your envelope to:
  California Department of Health
  Radiologic Health Board
  1500 Capitol Ave, Suite 520
  MS 7610, BLDG. 172
  Sacramento, CA 95814-5006

Include your return address and postage. You should receive your new license in 4-6 weeks. Don’t expect to receive confirmation from the RHB that your application was received.

9 - Orbit Fluoroscopy

Orbit Fluoroscopy is the simplest way to earn all of the CME that you'll need for your fluoroscopy license renewal. To learn how Orbit CME can make your life easier check out this blog, or just get started right away.

If you have more questions email us at - we're happy to help!